Sarah Lamb
Breathwork Coach and Guide
Alchemy of Breath Practitioner
BPhEd Otago
In 2018 I was on the brink of becoming a yoga teacher when I landed in a Breathwork Journey in Kauai that absolutely blew my mind! I felt my whole perspective shift as I breathed. The stories and negative self-talk dissolved and I had a crystal clear connection to me, my true essence and a powerful realisation that I had everything I needed within me. As the energy built like a wave through the journey I was able to finally let go of the past, all that had been weighing me down and holding me back from living fully. Not just on the surface through my logical mind, but energetically and spiritually from my body and soul. It was a profound healing experience and I knew immediately that this was my calling.
With a degree in Physical Education & Physiology I was excited to discover that this healing art was also rooted deeply in science. Our body chemistry changes when we breathe and this is the alchemy that assists us at a cellular level to heal. Breathwork has astonishing potential to restore and regulate our bodies and is the antidote to so many modern ailments - anxiety, depression, disconnection and dis-ease. I am committed to lifelong learning and am always experiencing the work of other Breathwork pioneers from around the world, for my own healing and to grow in the richness and depth of my guidance.
It is an integrated healing modality that allows me as a facilitator to bring all of my experience, my deep well of compassion for all suffering and the knowing that this has profoundly changed my life and will change yours.
It is my honour and privilege to guide you in your healing journey through the breath.
I’m so happy you are here!
Sarah x

“As I breathe, the expectations, limitations and conditioning dissolves. I remember who I really I am and what I am capable of.
I hear the whispers of my soul. ”
— Sarah